Friday, August 22, 2014

Obligatory Introductory Post - Getting Stuff Together

Hey, my name's Geoff, and I'm just starting to ride a bicycle. I'd learned to ride in my mid-teens, but never bothered to keep it up afterward. Now, though, since I'm 22, don't have a driver's license, feel the tug of wanderlust and the need for mobility, the bike I have (a cheap $130 thing from Walmart) is an utter godsend.

So, a bit about me: I've been playing viola for eleven years, and during that time I've been through quite a few youth orchestras, all-state orchestras, chamber music groups and summer programs, solo recitals and competitions, and other things of that ilk all over the place. Then I went to college, got severely depressed, got a kidneystone, got in debt, and after two years, having had enough of all that, unceremoniously dropped out without much of a backup plan (read: no backup plan). Since then I've continued to play a bit of chamber music, worked some freelance gigs, and done some stand-up comedy. And now, two years after dropping out, I still have nothing to fall back on. I haven't had a steady job, either. I live in a small town in Kentucky. Small towns in Kentucky are not renowned for their job opportunities.

So now I've decided to take up cycling and see where it takes me. I intend to do some tour cycling as soon as I get some free time, ideally going as far across the country as I can get, even more ideally making my way over to Europe somehow, because Europe is by all (most) accounts amazing.

What I'm planning right now is to do a couple of musicky gigs, today and tomorrow, go back home on Sunday, get things together, and go on a small trip on Monday. Maybe it won't be that small, maybe it'll be smaller--I'll play it by ear. I just definitely want to camp out on Monday night.

Anyway, Hurrah for long-winded introductory posts! Let's see if I can actually keep updating this blog on a semi-regular basis.

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